

  1. 答:THE city's meteorological observatory issued a white warning sign Thursday indicating the city's weather could be influenced by a tropical sand storm in the next two days
    The meteorological observatory in Beijing said the storm could hit the city
    "Coastal areas in eastern Beijing could have winds as strong as force 8," the observatory said
    The air quality will bee rather terrible with the sand storm
    The wind and sand will cause the city pulluted
    Terrible sand storm!
  2. 答:oncewhenwasug,fybqgtjnhfvjfh xzh,mfjdnsezdhn,hnmkfvegesmddsjdj.gvdfvmjurhguhvnbeihfnhuhiubvfjfddjdhfgdyuehyugdyhudydgsyuisishuhsyyfguyhreycudsuyd***xvzxuguyhsduyj;cfbdfmgdfjhfvnhdsweyuuikyys. 1.ddfdgngdwnmhcv 2. mfjdnsezdhn,hnmkfvegesmddsjdj 3.dfmgdfjhfvnhdswey4.dshsrdgrggrtreaSa
  1. 答:As far as I know,river pollution exist so many places in our country.A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the river because of the serious pollution.Besides river pollution,there are also air pollution,soil pollution and so on.They have done great harm to human lives.Fortunately,more and more people e to realize how serious the problem is.The government has begun to take measures to fight against pollution.But there is still a long way to go.We should take care of our earth and try our best to win the buttle against pollutin.
  2. 答:有利于产生大风或强风的天气形势,有利的沙、尘源分布和有利的空气不知伍哪稳定条件是沙尘暴或强沙尘暴形成的主要原因。强风是沙尘暴产生的动力,沙、尘源是沙尘暴物质基础,不稳定的热力条件是利于风力加大、强对流发展,从而夹带更多的搭码沙尘,并卷扬得更高。
  1. 答:The Sand Storms
    In recent years the stand storms are ing more and more critical,which has aroused great concern
    With the stand storms .the air is enshored with sand .the stand storms bring much inconvence and circumstance contamination to people ,which is harmful to people's heaith
    As far as i'm concerned we should take measure to stay away from the stand storms.Firstly
    planting more trees are of great significance to keep us away the stand storms .secondly.we should heighten people's awarness of environmental protection
    With the joint efforts,I truly belive we can bring sand storms under control and restore our environment .only in this way could we have a better place to live in
  2. 答:As far as I know,river pollution exist so many places in our country.A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the river because of the serious pollution.Besides river pollution,there are also air pollution,soil pollution and so on.They have done great harm to human lives.Fortunately,more and more people e to realize how serious the problem is.The government has begun to take measures to fight against pollution.But there is still a long way to go.We should take care of our earth and try our best to win the buttle against pollutin.
